About Tourisme Gaspésie
Tourisme Gaspésie is one of the 21 regional tourism associations in Québec.
As key partners of Québec’s Ministry of Tourism and representatives of the regions’ various tourism stakeholders, these associations play an important role as collaborators and catalysts for action in their regions.
Their areas of involvement include regional promotion and marketing, hospitality, tourism information and signage, as well as the development and structuring of the tourism offer in their respective regions.
Established in 1978, Tourisme Gaspésie is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and economic development of the region of Gaspésie.
Our mission
To mobilize, represent and promote the tourism industry in Gaspésie.
Our vision
To be recognized by all the stakeholders in the Gaspésie tourism industry as a leader
in terms of tourism marketing, support, mobilization and representation.
Our values
Cooperation, transparency, knowledge, sharing
Areas of Intervention
Leadership, business intelligence, corporate outreach
Additional Strategic Elements
- Leverage: marketing and internal mobilization
- Priority focus area: sustainable and responsible tourism
- General management: Joëlle Ross, jross@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Administration and accounting: Carole Bélisle, cbelisle@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Marketing: Stéphanie Thibaud, sthibaud@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Communications: Judith Kilgour, jkilgour@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Events, Image bank and promotional materials: Catherine Côté, ccote@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Membership and hospitality strategy: Viviane Roussel, vroussel@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Websites and social media: Chantal Manuel, cmanuel@tourisme-gaspesie.com and Catherine-Rose James, crjames@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Mont-Joli Tourist Information Bureau: Marilie Gosselin, mgosselin@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Development and sustainable tourism: Jean-Philippe Chartrand, jpchartrand@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Development - business support: David Dubreuil, ddubreuil@tourisme-gaspesie.com
- Dévelopment - Carte Avantages : Sophie Gauvin, sgauvin@tourisme-gaspesie.com
For more information about the services we offer, please visit Espace membre (in French only), a web portal for Tourisme Gaspésie members.
Contact us
1020, boulevard Jacques-Cartier, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada G5H 0B1
Phone: 418 775-2223, 1 800 463-0323 (Canada and USA)