La Fabrique
Restaurants / 120 places- 360, avenue Saint-Jérôme
Matane, Québec G4W 3B1 -
- Website
- Menu
- Shop
This restaurant offers a friendly atmosphere that is sometimes quiet and sometimes lively, with a pub-style menu that features as many local and regional ingredients as possible. Pub style menu, fish & chips, burgers, grilled cheese, mussels and fries. Check out our menus on our website: 25 beers on tap, food, cocktails, mixers and 35+ types of whisky.
- Open: year-round, daily, 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- Lunch and dinner
- Children's options
- Takeout
- Someone on staff may be available to speak to you in English; some translated material may also be available.
- 3Partially accessible
- ÂPet-friendly
- ±Shop
- 6Meeting room
- SEntertainment hall
- JWiFi
- ÷Terrace
Children's options
- Activities
- nSnowmobiling