Parc régional de la Seigneurie-du-Lac-Matapédia
Hiking Trails- Route Soucy (4 km à partir de la route Labrie)
Amqui, Québec G5J 3P9 -
- Website
This regional park gives you access to 8 loop trails, 1,5 to 6,9 km, from easy to intermediate, with significant climbs that allow you to enjoy breathtaking views of Lake Matapédia and the Matapédia Valley.
The park also offers picnic areas and beautiful sandy beaches (which are unsupervised). The site is accessible for free in the summer. Dogs on leashes are welcome.
- Open: June 20 to October 31, 2025
- Camp Sable Chaud and Micmacs trails accessible year-round
- Trail map (in French only)
- Free admission
- Be cautious during the hunting season
- Visit the website for more details
- ÂPet-friendly
- ”Comfort Station
- hPicnic area
- qBelvedere
- EParking
- Activities
- lBeach
- 7Canoeing
- nSnowmobiling
- äATV
- &Hiking
- dMountain biking