Réserve faunique des Chic-Chocs
Cross-country Skiing and Snowshoeing- 116, rue Prudent-Cloutier
Mont-Saint-Pierre, Québec G0E 1V0 - chichocs@sepaq.com
- Website
Contact Us
Due to recent observations of mountain caribou, access will be restricted in the Vallières-de-Saint-Réal.
The reserve faunique des Chic-Chocs is unique because of the barren peaks of Blanche-Lamontagne (940 m), Vallières-de-Saint-Réal (940 m), Hog's Back (830 m) and Brown (920 m) mountains. These mountains offer a dazzling backdrop for snowshoeing. The areas suited to skiing, telemarking, snowboarding and alpine touring are Hog's Back and Lyall mountains, as well as the Vallières-de-Saint-Réal.
- Open: end of December to mid-April, depending on snow conditions
- Activities
- öEquipment rental
- ËBoat rental
- nSnowmobiling
- äATV
- &Hiking
- óSnowshoeing
- rCross-country skiing
- dMountain biking