Resto-Pub La Révolte
Restaurants / 75 places- 82, boulevard Renard Ouest (Rivière-au-Renard)
Gaspé, Québec G4X 5H1 -
- Website
- Menu
A resto-pub overlooking the sea, La Révolte offers a varied menu that ranges from seafood to burgers. In the summer, you can enjoy a delicious meal on the patio while soaking up a view of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
- Open: year-round
- Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner
- Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free and children's options
- Takeout
- Accommodations available on site
- You can be served in English, and translated materials are available.
- ÂPet-friendly
- 2Entirely accessible
- ±Shop
- 6Meeting room
- JWiFi
- ÷Terrace
Vegetalian options
Vegetarian options
Gluten-free options
Children's options
- Activities
- nSnowmobiling