Sentiers des rivières et des montagnes
Hiking Trails- Coin-du-Banc-L'Anse-à-Beaufils
Percé, Québec - Website
The Sentier des rivières stretches from Bridgeville to L'Anse-à-Beaufils for 27 km, from easy to intermediate level.
- Main points of interest: the fall of the rivière du Portage (rivière aux Émeraudes) and trails along creeks and rivers.
The Sentier des montagnes extends from L'Anse-à-Beaufils to Mont Blanc (Percé UNESCO Global Geopark) for 14 km, intermediate to difficult.
- Main point of interest: summits sector - spectacular views
- Open from mid-May to November
- Be careful during the hunting period
- Trail Map
- ÂPet-friendly
- ”Comfort Station
- hPicnic area
- qBelvedere